Almost everybody wants to lose body fat. Why? Mostly so they can look awesome with their
shirt off at the beach or in a bikini, right?
What's your reason for wanting to lose fat? And what's stopping you from achieving your
desired level of fat loss?
The fact is, it’s not easy. You DO have to put in the work, make sacrifices, overcome adversity,
step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself physically and mentally, if you want to
lose body fat.
You will constantly be challenged and presented with opportunities to take shortcuts when
no one is looking. You have to ask yourself: how bad do you want it? You have to want it as
bad as you want to breathe.
Sound tough? It is! But the good news is that just about anyone can achieve their goals if
they're ready to commit to what is required.
That’s why you need a strong reason as to why you’re taking action. You need this to get you
through the barriers and hurdles you’ll encounter along the way to your goal. The reason
you've decided to do this has to be genuinely deep, otherwise it’s far too easy to walk away
from and give up. So make sure you're honest with yourself and hold yourself to account